The lawyers for the three defendants aged 20, 23 and 35 have asked for the hearing to be adjourned to better prepare their defence.
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The trial of the three men tried for the attack on Jean-Baptiste Trogneux, Brigitte Macron’s grand-nephew on Monday evening in Amiens, has been postponed to June 5, the Amiens Criminal Court decided on Wednesday May 17.
The three defendants, arrested shortly after the facts, had been referred to be judged in immediate appearance at the end of their police custody. But in the box, at the hearing, in the absence of Jean-Baptiste Trogneux, who was issued 4 days of ITT, they asked for the hearing to be postponed. The time, added their lawyers, to prepare their defense and that “the media pressure falls”, pleaded one of them, adding that one should not give “political connotation” to this case. “We are dealing with ‘babaches’, not political activists”added this lawyer.
Placement in pre-trial detention
The three men, aged 20, 23 and 35, are all already known to the courts for violence in particular, or even degradation. One of these defendants is under curatorship and another disabled worker. The president of the court ordered their placement in pre-trial detention pending their future appearance, in accordance with the request of the Amiens prosecutor, Jean-Philippe Vicentini, who spoke “case of shame”.
The latter felt that there was a risk of repetition, taking advantage of his requisitions to castigate “The Ball of the Hypocrites” of those “who by ambiguous remarks, silence, outrageous remarks”, “light wicks and diffuse time bombs in unstructured and violent individuals”.