“The tightrope night”, Emmanuel Poinot

Emmanuel Poinot writes short novels, using a descriptive and meticulous style where an action density is deployed. His third title, The tightrope night, is no exception, methodically distilling a plot where a mystery hovers, the resolution of which is revealed in a tense and emancipatory climax. This time we accompany Sven, isolated on an island where, while repairing an abandoned lighthouse, he lets the foam of raw memories rise. The story alternates two plots, between this wild island and the oil platform on which Sven worked for many years, maintaining an ambiguous and improbable friendship with Niels. Nourished by generous descriptions, the impressionist paintings of the novel dominate characters who frolic in a silence from which emotions burst forth with a crash. The immersive atmospheres, the tormented secrets of the protagonists and the growing tension of the plot keep us in suspense, in the fragile balance of a humanity that braves its storms.

The tightrope night

★★★ 1/2

Emmanuel Poinot, Leméac, Montreal, 2024, 152 pages

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