the threat is still present in Syria and Iraq

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Najaf (Iraq), May 16, 2023: funeral of 45 victims of Daesh found in a mass grave in Badoush (province of Nineveh).  (KARRAR ESSA / ANADOLU AGENCY VIA AFP)

A month after Turkey’s announcement of the death of the alleged leader of Daesh, the threat of the Islamic State (IS) is still very present in Syria and is experiencing a slight rise in the Iraqi Kurdish autonomous region.

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The few thousand fighters still active in Syria seem to be regaining strength since the beginning of the year. There are at least 178 Daesh attacks across the country, which represents more than one attack per day with a heavy toll of 200 dead. On the other hand, we remain very far from the strike force that Daesh had at its peak in 2014, when the group controlled 60,000 km2 straddling Syria and Iraq.

A slight boost from Daesh in Iraq

In the Iraqi Kurdish autonomous region, the Kurds of Iraq have been facing a slight impulse from Daesh for a few months, which mainly attracts young people. Arrests are more and more numerous even if it remains a minor phenomenon. In federal Iraq, the few sleeper cells of Daesh also remain a minor phenomenon. But the country is not finished with Daech, in particular with the question of the treatment of the families of former jihadists.

source site-24