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Fundamental elements of the ecosystem of the Pyrenean valleys, scavengers are endangered by Diclofenac, an anti-inflammatory contained in cattle reared in Spain.
For the past few months, a threat has been hanging over the vultures. A drug is suspected of causing the death of scavengers, essential to the Pyrenean ecosystem. Since he has known them to be threatened, Didier Peyrusque, guard of the Pyrenees National Park, fears the consequences of a possible disappearance: “The risk that there are no more vultures is that the animals will decompose, and we will have a huge dump of decomposing carrion“.
A few months ago, European scientists launched the alert in the journal “Science”, calling for a ban on Diclofenac. This drug administered to cattle is fatal to vultures which feed on it. It is an anti-inflammatory drug banned in all farms in Europe, except in Spain. “For scientists, there is an urgent need for Spain to ban this drug outright“, explains Julien Cholin, special correspondent in Jaca (Spain).