the testimony of a French woman evacuated from Rhodes



Video length: 1 min.

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – A.Bocher, F.Bouquillat, B.Mingot, @RevelateursFTV, L.Barbier

France Televisions

A 37-year-old Frenchwoman, present on the island of Rhodes at the time of the fires, had the fear of her life. Trapped, she and her family walked four hours under the threat of flames to reach the airport. This evening, they returned home, to Metz, safe and sound.

Their dream stay on the island of Rhodes (Greece) was coming to an end. But, in a few minutes, this Lorraine family found itself in the middle of a nightmare. Smoke at the edge of their hotel, then text messages telling them to leave the island immediately. “We walked for seven kilometers”, testifies the mother. “We had to put wet towels on us. The moment when we are afraid is the moment when we can advance, we see that the fire is going faster that we”. They had to walk when no one was around them, left to their own devices.

Supported by a military truck

When you see the flames next to you and the black smoke, it’s very complicated“, she admits, in tears. After more than four hours of walking, a military truck picks them up to take them to the airport.rt, north of the island. They were able to take a flight to France, leaving all their belongings at the hotel. This evening, they say they are relieved to have returned to France, but worried about those they left behind on the island.

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