the testimony of a father who lost his family in the sinking of the boat crossing the Channel


France 2

Article written by

C. Vérove, E. Sizarols, L. Niro, H. Salahaddin Ahmed, M. Le Rue – France 2

France Televisions

On November 24, 27 migrants lost their lives trying to cross the Channel to reach England. Rezgar Hussein lost his wife and three children in the tragedy.

27 people lost their lives on November 24 while trying to cross the Channel. Among them, the wife and three children of Rezgar Hussein. Now he only has photos, some of them sent by his family just before the tragedy. “The children wanted to do their study in Europe. I told them that I would do my best so that they could go there. I had a big house that I sold for them. I told them: if you want to study over there go. My only goal was for them to be happy “, relates the man who lives in northern Iraq.

The family left their village, passed Turkey, then Italy and France to Grande-Synthe (North). They had already attempted a crossing, but the boat taking on water, they had to be rescued. They were determined to start over, which they did, risking their lives. Today, Rezgar Hussein implores the French authorities to recover the bodies. “Help me, I need to see my children. Until I see them, I won’t be able to believe them.”

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