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The exceptional back-to-school bonus has been corrected and revised downwards as decided by the senators. But the beneficiaries will no longer be the same, this is the major change in this measure.
Wednesday August 3, 2022, a student is currently preparing for the bar. He thought he could benefit from an aid of 100 euros at the start of the school year. “The fact of withdrawing it, I find it petty, even revolting”, he explains. The text on exceptional back-to-school aid was completely reviewed by senators on Tuesday, August 2. The government wanted to reach 8 million households. The senators said no, it will be around 5.7 million households. It concerns only those who receive the disabled adult allowance and those who receive the activity bonus.
This is the case of Xavier, 26, a server on a permanent contract. For him, it’s a good surprise: he could touch 150 euros. The senators also reviewed the amounts. The executive proposed 100 euros per household, plus 50 euros per child. The senators opted for a check for 150 euros, regardless of the number of children.