The Telethon of the Associative House of Health

This weekend (December 3 and 4), the Maison Associative de la Santé is organizing various workshops, on the occasion of the Telethon. All of the revenue collected during these events will be donated to the AFM Téléthon association.

We will therefore have the opportunity to meet on Friday 3, during the weekly market in La Rochelle, where we will have a stand to sell Telethon products.
On Saturday 4, we will be at the Maison des Associations de Laleu; where we will offer a Zumba workshop in the morning, a walk in Laleu in the afternoon and a group concert Les Galop Ch’naux the evening.
At the same time, an exhibition is organized in the courtyard of the Dor school, in La Rochelle, by our partners of this “Paroles de Rochelais” event.

Associative House of Health

74 avenue de Bourgogne in La Rochelle
Phone: 05 46 27 09 63
Opening hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 15 p.m.

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