the teleconsultation booth solution


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In France, to fight against medical deserts, a solution has been found to help relieve the influx of patients to doctors. This is the teleconsultation booth, which appears to be a credible solution.

For a resident of Seine-et-Marne, this is the first teleconsultation in a pharmacy. Her GP is not available for several days, so this cabin offers her an appointment with a GP in less than 15 minutes. On the other side of the screen, a doctor examines her from a distance. To establish a diagnosis, the patient herself manipulates the measuring devices made available to her.

“The advantage of this kind of teleconsultation cabin is that we can take measurements and patient parameters”, explains a general practitioner. If the pharmacy is equipped with two teleconsultation booths, it is above all to facilitate access to care for residents. “It is not to replace doctors”, assures the pharmacist. Faced with the success of this device, the owners of this pharmacy are already planning to install two other cabins.

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