the success of “solidarity doctors” in Creuse



Video length: 4 mins.

France 2

Article written by

F.Bouquillat, E.Maizy, J.Pires – France 2

France Televisions

In the Creuse, a small town has found the solution to attract dozens of doctors and treat the inhabitants. GPs from all over France take turns every Monday.

In the heart of Creuse, the village of Ajain had been living without a doctor for more than two years. But the city found a solution. Every Monday, the mayor visits the new solidarity medical practice. Each week, a new doctor takes care of the consultations. Practitioners come from all over France, and the medical center acts as the attending physician.

1,250 consultations since January

Since January, 1,250 consultations have taken place. The center is overwhelmed by its success. “We need other centers everywhere. There are people from Allier who come to see us. They drive more than an hour”says Johanne, coordinator of the center.

If Dr. Christian Revillard accepted the proposal, it is not for the salary, of 800 euros per week. “I said to myself there is a project that is original, which perhaps provides a solution that cannot necessarily be generalized, but a concrete solution at some point. And that gives a lot of meaning to my practice as a doctor”he confides.

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