Maras des Bois and Mariguettes on the menu of this Côté Saveurs in sorbet, tartlet, strawberry or pavlova. Listen again to the advice of pastry chef Bastien Girard.
Bastien Girard is the 2017 World Pastry Champion. He exercised his talents with Anne-Sophie Pic, Philippe Rigollot and Potel et Chabot. It was in 2020 that with his wife Margaux, originally from Tournon like him, he returned home and opened the “Pâtisserie Intense” in Tournon-sur-Rhône. The “Pâtisserie Intense” is today a team of eleven people, a lot of passion and creativity and the commitment to work with seasonal products.
The Intense Pastry – 5 rue Gabriel Faure 07300 Tournon sur Rhône
Patricia Bayle took over the farm founded by her parents in Erôme in the 1970s. Together with her husband, she added to the cultivation of small fruits, that of stone fruits. It sells directly on the farm and happily supplies craftsmen from Dromardech as Bastien Girard.
EARL Bayle – Chemin des Condamines 26600 Erôme