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On Thursday, October 27, the government unveiled its aid scheme for small and medium-sized businesses facing the energy crisis. The State undertakes to cover a quarter of consumption.
A manager of a bakery is worried about the next few months. The company’s electricity contract could explode in January. She waited impatiently for the announcements of the First Minister, Thursday, October 27. The state has just announced aid for small and medium-sized businesses. If the price bought by these companies is between 325 and 800€/mwhthe State will bear 120€/mwh maximum. But the manager does not pay enough to benefit from this help. “Either I’m going to lay off, or I’m going to close shop or the consumer is ready to pay two euros a baguette”she laments.
One of the employees, a student, is therefore afraid of losing her job. In Lozère, a sawmill has already seen its bills double in one year. It will be concerned by the device ofhelp but the director knows, it will take even more effort. “We are going to look internally at how we can save even more energy”says Anthony Betemps, director of industrial operations. The cost of all these measures, according to the executive, amounts to 12 billion euros.