the Stanislas college accused of abuses by a report


Video length: 2 min

Education: Stanislas college accused of abuses by a report

What is going on behind the walls of the very prestigious private Catholic Stanislas establishment? This is where the children of the Minister of National Education go to school. Thursday January 18, the Paris town hall announced that it was suspending its funding following accusations of abuse. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – L. Legendre-Trousset, C. Guyon, F. Henaut, F. Badaire, K. Johnson

France Televisions

What is going on behind the walls of the very prestigious private Catholic Stanislas establishment? This is where the children of the Minister of National Education go to school. Thursday January 18, the Paris town hall announced that it was suspending its funding following accusations of abuse.

Stanislas, the private Catholic school where the children of the current Minister of Education are educated, is synonymous with excellence from nursery school to preparatory classes. However, a Mediapart investigation points to several deviations from the National Education report commissioned by the former minister, Pap Ndiaye, which was not made public.

Paris town hall suspends its subsidy

Former students testify to initiations into the obligatory Catholic religion and homophobic or sexist remarks. A school official defends himself: “Conversion therapy and homophobia, this is grouped together in the current experience of a person against whom a complaint was filed, an external catechist fired”. The Paris town hall has decided to temporarily interrupt its subsidy of nearly 1.4 million euros to the private establishment under contract, which says it is ready to discuss.

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