the specialty tests are postponed from March to mid-May, announces the Ministry of National Education

The unions, already critical of the principle of these anticipated tests, asked for their postponement because of the delays linked to Covid-19.

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Terminale students and their teachers can take a breather. The Ministry of National Education announced the postponement of the baccalaureate specialty tests on Friday January 28. Scheduled in advance on March 14, 15 and 16, the written tests will finally be held on May 11, 12 and 13. The “evaluation of experimental capacities” tests will take place in the days that follow, adds the ministry. The unions demanded this postponement, pointing to the delay in the program due to absences and class closures linked to Covid-19.

These tests concern the two “specialties” chosen by high school students in Terminale as part of the baccalaureate reform. The rest of the calendar is not changed: the philosophy test will be held on June 15, and the Grand Oral will be organized between June 20 and July 1.

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