the Spanish left proposes the inclusion of abortion in the Constitution


Video length: 2 min

IVG: the Spanish left proposes the inclusion of abortion in the Constitution

On Wednesday March 6, in the face of Spanish anti-abortionists, the far-left Sumar party proposed the inclusion of abortion in the Constitution.


On Wednesday March 6, in the face of Spanish anti-abortionists, the far-left Sumar party proposed the inclusion of abortion in the Constitution.

In July 2023, the announcement on abortion made six months earlier by the vice-president of the Castile and León region, a member of the far-right Vox party, raised serious concerns in a private clinic in Valladolid ( Spain), who performs abortions. The vice president called for it to be mandatory to offer women who wish to have an abortion the opportunity to listen to the heartbeat and look at a 4D image of the fetus.

A cultural war reopened in Spain

Since then, the regional government has backed down, faced with threats from the central government to take control of the region’s health policies. This obligation for additional information, inspired by what is done in Hungary, has not been imposed. However, the far right has reopened a culture war on the issue of abortion. Inspired by the French example, the far-left Sumar party, member of the government coalition, proposed, on Wednesday March 6, the inclusion of abortion in the Constitution.

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