the song “Give Peace a Chance” broadcast on dozens of European public radio stations

Half a century after he wrote them, John Lennon’s great pacifist songs retain their full force and relevance. its famous Give Peace a Chance (“Let’s give peace a chance”) was to resonate simultaneously, Friday morning at 8:45 am (French time), on the airwaves of some 150 public radio stations in Europe in protest against the war in Ukraine, an initiative announced Thursday by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU).

The song Give Peace a Chance (“Let’s Give Peace a Chance”) was to be broadcast in more than 25 countries, including Ukraine. Private European radio stations have also joined the initiative, according to the EBU. “The horrors of the war against Ukraine are more evident every day. Our solidarity, humanity and support are needed,” declared Thursday Patricia Schlesinger, director of the Berlin regional radio RBB, at the origin of the project.

Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the entry of his armed forces into Ukraine on February 24, which have since been leading a major offensive there. Yurii Tabachenko, Executive Producer of Ukrainian Channel One Radio, said: “It is extremely important that today Europe is united around Ukraine.”

The song Give Peace a Chance, released in 1969 by the Plastic Ono Band, the group formed around John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono, was recorded in Montreal during the star couple’s famous “bed-in” for peace at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel, in the context of the Vietnam War. Lennon’s song became an anti-war anthem, two years before his iconic Conceived.

Founded in 1950, the EBU, headquartered in Geneva, is the world’s largest public service media alliance, with 113 members in 56 countries. She is known to the general public through her Eurovision Song Contest.

Radio France Info mentioned the song on Friday morning:

The song Give Peace a Chance aired in Spain:

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