the small town of Avdiivka, a new symbol of resistance to the Russian army


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1 minute


Located in the east of the country, Avdiivka has been at the center of discussions in Ukraine in recent days. Surrounded, this small town resisted attacks and caused “really impressive” losses on the Russian side, according to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

In Ukraine, the small industrial town of Avdiivka is becoming a new symbol of resistance. Surrounded by Russian forces, it has suffered intense attacks in recent weeks. On site, Ukrainian police officers evacuate residents whose homes had been bombed. Friday October 20, the Ukrainian army announced that it had repelled a new Russian assault.

Avdiivka on the front line since 2014

The commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army visited the site. According to kyiv, the Russian army lost 900 men and 150 armored vehicles in this area in the space of 24 hours. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said:grateful“towards the fighters and mentioned Russian losses”really impressive“. The town of Avdiivka has been on the front line since the uprising of pro-Russian separatists in 2014.

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