After the rain comes the good weather for Bordeaux-Mérignac airport. Planes grounded, corridor emptied of its passengers, voluntary departure plan for dozens of employees, like the entire Air sector, the Girondin site was badly shaken by the health crisis. But at the start of 2022 the lights are green for the airport.
Last year, the number of thefts still reached the three million, this is slightly higher than expected. This is only about 40% less than in 2019 reference years, before the health crisis and the airport is in the process of rebuilding its network since 80 destinations from Bordeaux will be available to travelersespecially to Canada this summer.
The Billy terminal for low-coast flights will resume service
Closed at the height of the health crisis due to insufficient passenger volume, the Billy terminal will resume service in the summer of 2022. “We will probably need it for the summer season” explains the Managing Director of Bordeaux-Mérignac airport Simon Dreschel. Work to improve the departure lounges will be carried out as well as modernization to better accommodate travelers.
The resumption of shuttles between Bordeaux and Paris?
On this point Simon Dreschel does not advance for the moment: “stopping air shuttles between Bordeaux and the capital was a government obligation under the climate law” since Bordeaux is less than 2h30 from Paris by TGV. The director confides that whether or not this shuttle resumes, the airport will adapt according to the needs of the territory.
“The airport of tomorrow must be greener”
The year 2022 will also be the year of the ecological shift for the airport with the development of renewable energies. The Managing Director of Bordeaux-Mérignac Simon Dreschel wishes reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 60% to reach the carbon neutral by 2030. For this, the site’s heating system will be renovated in favor of geothermal energy. Photovoltaic panels will also be installed in large numbers – 1,500 – on the roofs of the airport car parks for just under two million euros.
Currently under construction, the forecourt and also closely associated with the ecological project of the airport since it will be vegetated “to break the very mineral aspect of the site” and charging stations for electric bicycles will also be installed. Travelers will be able to travel by tram from Bordeaux to the airport from the beginning of next year.
Also, a biodiversity preservation policy will also be implemented throughout the site, “the Bordeaux-Mérignac of tomorrow must be greener” concluded Simon Dreschel.
The airport is also studying the reduction of noise pollution. Objective: to become more and more involved in the life of the territory.