the singer evokes her desire to ditch everything with an ambiguous post …

With its hits, Vitaa marked the French scene. His latest projects with singer Slimane have also unleashed passions. Besides his career, his private life greatly intrigues his admirers. Like many stars, the interpreter of “Game Over” is very active on his social networks. Especially on Instagram. On a daily basis, she enjoys sharing beautiful images of her concerts or certain moments with her family.

On December 18, 2021, the star made a big announcement to her community. Facing the camera, Diam’s sidekick let it be known that she was expecting a happy event. “I am very, very happy to announce it to you (…) It is the most beautiful thing that I could have hoped for. I’ve been waiting for this for so long! ”, admitted Vitaa not without emotion. “I absolutely wanted to share it with you. There were difficult times because of that these were the first months when I was a little tired (…). But I myself surprised myself to be in great shape and to keep up with the pace so here we were, we held on and it was a wonderful experience, I wanted to share it with you. “

In the city, the artist is already the happy mother of two boys named Liham, 10 years old, and Adam, 5 years old born from his union with Hicham Bendaoud. Last I heard, Vitaa and her family have decided to treat themselves to a wonderful stay in Haute-Savoie. Being very close to his followers, the interpreter of “It disturbs them” willingly reveals pictures of their vacation. On the program, local tastings, frenzied evenings and downhill runs galore. A routine that she likes! This Wednesday, December 22, 2021, Vitaa made it known in her Instagram story. This time, the pretty brunette took advantage of a sun bath installed in a deckchair … Glasses on her nose! “Leave me here”, wrote the young mother in the caption of her video. The return will not be easy …


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