The shoemaker from Gradignan retires and has found a replacement

It is with a big smile that Jean-Paul Roubin welcomes his loyal customers for the last time. After 43 years within the walls of his studio in the Laurenzanne commercial area, he is finally retiring. The dean of the shoemakers of the Bordeaux metropolis gives way to Cristian Catalan. The 73-year-old had been looking for a buyer for four years, but without success. To facilitate recovery and maintain activity, the city of Gradignan, with the help of Bordeaux Métropole, bought the premises and rented it out. Jean-Paul Roubin also donated his machinery and equipment to his buyer.

“A Valiant Man”

Jean-Paul Roubin describes Cristian Catalan as “a valiant man, but not very lucky”. The 43-year-old shoemaker, originally owner of his own workshop in the Fondaudège district, had to put the key under the door. He had since returned to the service of other shoemakers. He now takes over the business of Jean-Paul Roubin, and his wife Chantal, who is never far away.

Jean-Paul Roubin has seen a lot of people, “at least three generations” he said proudly. “Even this morning, a customer I had known when I was an apprentice in Bègles and when I was 16 years old, came to the store. She is now 70 years old like me. reviewed since” says the cobbler.

A shoemaking enthusiast

If he could, Jean-Paul Roubin would not have stopped there. It’s fatigue, age and especially his leg pains, consequences of polio that he caught as a child, who got the better of him. His limping gait and his pauses to sit are proof of this. Despite everything, he continues to work one last time for his customers, to polish, file and sublimate the shoes that are brought to him. He says it himself, what he will miss the most are “the shoes”.

Jean-Paul Roubin’s career does not stop there. He wants to teach his trade to others, especially children with disabilities. He makes a call : “If there is a structure that wants me…”

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