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No more non-food waste. Since January 1, companies no longer have the right to destroy unsold goods. The law anti-waste obliges brands to sell off or give away their stocks. A boon for associations, as is the case in La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime).
School supplies, clothes, household appliances… Before, they were destroyed, now a law gives them a second life. Near La Rochelle (Charente Maritime), a hypermarket manager wants to put an end to this waste by making donations. “It’s better that it helps people than to waste unnecessarily”, declares a customer, delighted by this measure.
Products that do not find a buyer will be donated to associations. In 2021, 11,223 euros in donations were made by this supermarket. For this, they are helped by Pierre-Yves pasquier, co-founder of Comerso. “Our job is to organize the collection of these products and the donation to associations”, he details. The Restos du Coeur will benefit from these donations, mainly in textiles. According to a survey, 80% of companies could be penalized for not implementing this recycling.