The second 49.3 activated by Elisabeth Borne is “the mark of a deep political crisis”, according to Eric Coquerel

Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne activated article 49.3 on the Social Security financing bill (PLFSS) on Thursday after having already used it on Wednesday on the first part of the draft budget for 2023.

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The second article 49.3 activated by Elisabeth Borne in 24 hours is “the mark of a deep political crisis”, reacted Thursday, October 20 on franceinfo Eric Coquerel, chairman of the Finance Committee of the National Assembly, LFI deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis. The Prime Minister again engaged the government on Thursday in the National Assembly on the revenue part of the Social Security financing bill (PLFSS), after having already engaged it on Wednesday on the first part of the draft budget. for 2023.

This Thursday, “the reasons why Madame Borne found herself in this situation is that her majority was an ultra-minority in the Assemblysays Eric Coquerel. Either it was a demobilization suffered by the Macronist deputies, or it was the organization of a desertion. But according to him, “in both cases, this means that there is a deep crisis. Madame Borne can say what she wants: she does not have a majority in the Assembly and, in my opinion, it is not about to stop”.

Eric Coquerel considers that he is “possible” that the deputies of the majority made purposely to be minority this Thursday to vote the first articles. “I am a bit of a privileged witness”emphasizes the Chairman of the Finance Committee. “At the same time” that the votes in the hemicycle, “you have committees going on. And, traditionally, when you have a committee and there are important votes” in the hemicycle, “Your committee is deserting. You have requests for suspension to go and vote. However, there, all the Macronist deputies who were in the committee stayed all the time. There was no time when I have the impression that they wanted to be a necessary reinforcement to pass this or that article”. Whatever the hypothesis, it is “the result of a majority which is already exhausted, which does not see much meaning in its votes, which is divided and which is no longer able to provide any assistance to the government”insists Eric Coquerel.

The MP believes that “in the coming weeks”with the other parts of the finance bill on one side and the financing of Social Security on the other, “we do not see very well how Madame Borne will be able to hold out for very long”. Eric Coquerel adds that Emmanuel Macron “At some point, you will have to realize the obvious: he is in the minority in the National Assembly, and in these cases, you can no longer govern. It is up to him to draw the consequences”.

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