The search resumes to find Anne-Cécile in the Balaïtous sector

Research resumes to find Anne-Cécile, the 50-year-old Béarn hiker who disappeared in the Balaïtous sector. The last time she was seen was at the end of October. The research had been very slow this winter because of the weather conditions but now it will resume little by little. The gendarmes of the Hautes-Pyrénées are calling for witnesses to identify “Guillaume de Tarbes” who signed the guestbook at the Larribet refuge and who is likely to have met Anne-Cécile.

We will be able to return to the area as soon as there is no more snow in this sector.” say the CRS of Gavarnie. The area is almost at 3,000 meters so there is still a lot of snow. The rescuers explain that it will have melted well during the summer and in September. In the meantime, the research will resume with a drone. It had already been done with a drone and with a helicopter. But the CRS say it’s a very complicated sector,”very rocky and the idea would be to lift every rock“.

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Commander Gilles Peluhet at the head of the Cauterets brigade and in charge of the investigation is appealing to find a hiker who could have met Anne-Cécile the day before her departure on an excursion. His name is not very legible on the guestbook of the Larribet refuge. A certain “Guillaume” or “Guilhem” or “Guilhem” from Tarbes. His testimony would make it possible to be more precise in the research. The guest book was signed on October 24 at the Larribet refuge.

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