the return to minefield of the executive



France 2

Article written by

J.Nény, H.Capelli, O.Siou, A.Peyrout E.Bonneval, J.Louradour, A da Silva – France 2

France Televisions

The summer was scorching, and for the government the start of the school year is likely to be. Between hot issues and inflammable reforms, the oppositions are already sharpening their weapons.

Emmanuel Macron and Élisabeth Borne meet on the evening of Tuesday August 23 for their back-to-school dinner. The menu will be copious: consultation on pensions, unemployment insurance, with a first interprofessional strike announced on September 29. “The back-to-school roadmap promises to be really complicated…”notes a minister. The resumption of debates in the Assembly, on October 4, is also likely to be stormy. A law on energy transition is on the program, as well as another on immigration and above all, the vote on the budget.

Without an absolute majority, the government could be forced to pass by force. “If we do 49.3 and a motion of censure is voted, it’s Armageddon!”, worries a member of the executive. Can the government count on the right? For a Republican heavyweight, to affirm his opposition to the majority, his party will have to go through a vote against the budget. An LR strategist recalls, meanwhile, that “no one has an interest in blocking”.

The game promises to be tight… until the country is blocked? “Three years of Covid, six months of war, the French want calm”, reassures an elected official of the majority. With inflation above 6% and the threat of shortages to come, the government is in any case approaching the start of the new school year on minefield.

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