the relationship with China, a major issue at the summit


Video length: 1 min.

France 2

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The G7 meets from tomorrow in Hiroshima, Japan. It will be about China and the war in Ukraine.

ATduring that the G7 will meet in Japan, in Hiroshima, from Friday May 19, the Americans are on a policy hard, in confrontation. On the other hand, the Europeans do not want to stir up tensions and absolutely want to maintain dialogue with China, an economic superpower. Trying to adopt a common line vis-à-vis Beijing, which is not part of the G7, is one of the major challenges of this summit. A difficult position to hold.

Tensions around Taiwan

The Élysée insists: it is not an anti-ch G7inois. France wanna “working with China” within a common framework, with clearer rules. Seen from Japan, the relationship with China is primarily security, Japan believes that the tensions around Taiwan also concern the Europeans and not only the United States. Difficult relations with China, because Beijing has never sanctioned or condemned Moscow since the start of the war in Ukraine, which will be the other major issue on the menu of the G7 leaders, indicates Anne Bourse, special correspondent in Hiroshima.

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