The Regard festival unveils its winners

Natureza Humana (Human Nature), by Portuguese director Mónica Lima, won the Grand Prix de Regard, International Short Film Festival in Saguenay.

The official competition jury, made up of Charles Tesson, Maxime Giroux, Sophie Desmarais, Mia Falstein and Samir Karahoda, also awarded the Canadian Grand Prix to The Thirty-Second Seasonby Quebecer Charles-Émile Lafrance, the Jury Prize to Invincibleby Quebecer Vincent René-Lortie, the prize for best animation at Ice Merchantsby the Portuguese João Gonzalez, and the award for best documentary at Buurman Abdiby Dutchman Douwer Dijkstra.

Also recognized by the Academy of Oscars, the Regard festival, whose selection includes nearly 200 short films from all over, has now started its online portion, offered until April 9.

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