the recovery of an association endangers its employees and its beneficiaries


Video length: 2 min

Home help: the recovery of an association puts its employees and beneficiaries at risk

Concern is growing for 450 home helpers who work in the Compiègne and Beauvais region. These employees of an association placed in recovery were not paid in January, even though 2,000 people depend on their services. – (France 2)

Concern is growing for 450 home helpers who work in the Compiègne and Beauvais region. These employees of an association placed in recovery were not paid in January, even though 2,000 people depend on their services.

Séverine leaves for work with a heavy heart. Home help, she did not receive a salary in January. “We still don’t really know when we’re going to get paid. We can’t afford to have no income by traveling so many miles.”, she emphasizes. However, she makes a point of continuing her work with the elderly. She travels four times a day to help a couple. So the cessation of payment for their home help worries them.

A group in difficulty

Like Séverine, 450 home helpers are awaiting their January salary with concern. Placed in receivership, their employer does not give them any explanations. The union representative points out the management of the private group which manages the association. The group is one of the largest in France for helping the elderly. But for two years, his boss has been facing difficulties: receivership, liquidation and even indictment of the CEO. The 450 employees and the 2,000 people they help will be fixed in six months.

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