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The rebels and the socialists would never have been so close to an agreement. Indeed, if the discussions on the merits continue, they would have found common ground on the list of constituencies, Wednesday, May 4.
Discussions lasted until dawn. Wednesday, May 4, after long hours of negotiations, the Socialist Party (PS) is about to join the union of the left for the legislative elections. What arouse the satisfaction of the lieutenants of Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “What is happening is something historic. Yes, it took time, it’s true, but at the same time, no one thought that in four days, we would be able to gather four political formations under a common banner”welcomes Manuel Bompard, MEP La France insoumise (LFI).
The PS obtained the power to present single candidates in 70 constituencies. However, this agreement is not to the taste of all socialists. Thus, Bernard Cazeneuve has already warned that he would leave the party in the event of the signing of an agreement with La France insoumise. For his part, Stéphane Le Foll intends to support dissidents.