the rebellious leader “is moving away from republican values”, says Marine Le Pen

Jean-Luc Melenchon “totally moves away from republican values”, says on franceinfo Tuesday June 7 Marine Le Pen about the tweet of Jean-Luc Mélenchon on the shootings of the police during a refusal to comply in the 18th arrondissement of Paris. On Saturday, the police fired on a vehicle, killing a passenger and injuring the driver, after a refusal to comply according to the agents. On France Inter this Tuesday, the leader of the Insoumis reaffirmed his words and insisted: “to pose the debate of the doctrine of the use of force” don’t make him “an anti-cop”.

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“When you’re a political leader at the level of Mr. Mélenchon, saying in a tweet ‘the police kill’ is a real shame”, added Marine Le Pen. According to her, Jean-Luc Mélenchon “commits extremely heavy defamation of the police”. “This globalization that he believes he can use reveals an ideology which is a systematically anti-police ideology”continues the MP.

The RN deputy from Pas-de-Calais, and candidate for re-election, denounces a “systematically anti-police ideology” by Jean-Luc Melenchon. “He is always on the side of thugs, criminals, never on the side of law enforcement”launched the formerpresidential candidate of the National Rally.

For the former RN presidential candidate, “there is no longer any respect for the police in our country, there is a feeling of impunity with regard to the police officers whom the thugs face in all circumstances, very often attacking their physical integrity, seeking to assassinate them , this is too often the case”.

Therefore, for Marine Le Pen, “all of this creates a society in which the police end up living in the feeling of being prey to thugs and criminals“. She believes that the words of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, and “political leaders [qui] implicate the entirety of the national police” should “to be electorally eliminatory”.

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