the reality TV candidate gave birth to her first child, Souleymen’s face revealed

A day she will never forget. This Wednesday, March 13, 2024 will be anchored for life in the memory of Fiji Ruiz. On this date, she will celebrate the anniversary of her wonder. In fact, a few hours ago, the former reality TV candidate welcomed her first child: Souleymen.

The young woman published an adorable photo on her Instagram account to announce the big news. “Welcome to our little prince Souleymen Allāhumma bārik”she wrote in the caption of the photo in which the young mother appears happier than ever, with her husband Anas by her side, and their little boy still just arrived into the world.

Also see: Fiji Ruiz disfigured: but what happened to the reality TV star’s face?

A pregnancy and marriage announced late

As a reminder, Fiji Ruiz decided to unite before God in 2021. But the former reality TV candidate, who has not participated in any program for years, only announced the happy news a year later to her subscribers. “We have to tell you a secret hehe. Some people suspect it, others don’t. Yes we are united before God”she revealed to her community in addition to announcing her conversion to Islam.

A few months ago, she announced another happy news by revealing her pregnancy to her fans. Despite some scares and a trip to the emergency room, Fiji Ruiz reassured and made her subscribers happy when in her eighth month of pregnancy, she revealed the sex of her future child.

So she organized a gender reveal during which she and Anas had to scratch the belly of a teddy bear drawn on a cake. By scratching, a color gradually appeared and revealed a blue signifying the arrival of a little boy. A little boy who was born this Wednesday March 13, 2024 to the delight of his parents.


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