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Humor, acrobatics, musical performance, the Quebec company Machine de Cirque arrives on stage at the Maison de la danse in Lyon with its eponymous show, until March 22, 2023.
On stage, six artists move with agility, constantly balancing in an industrial environment. A musician beats the cadence, bodies and minds align. The show Circus machine by the eponymous Quebec company is based on a simple narrative: in a post-apocalyptic world, men try to preserve a part of humanity. In the background, the scaffolding will alternately be a decor, a climbing wall and more. Skittles, swings and even bath towels serve as a base for acrobats who constantly challenge their skills, without a net. Often laughter and grace, especially when one of the tightrope walkers grabs a bike to make it dance.
The Quebec company was born 10 years ago and regularly includes young acrobats. The show Circus machine travel for years all over the world with the same success. “I find that the circus brings together a lot of things, acrobatics, humor, dance and poetry. This show mixes everything and that’s what makes me think people like to see it”, says Laurent Racicot, acrobat specializing in Chinese rings.
Precision and improvisation
The show’s music, played live on hybrid drums, brings rhythm and fantasy to the choreographies. Everything is very precise, even to the millimeter, but the discipline requires continuous composing with improvisational bridles, especially in music. “I am there, I react and I am sensitive and they are sensitive to my musicconfides Fred Lebrasseur, musician and co-founder of Machine de Cirque. If one evening, I decide to go a little more inside, they will feel that and follow me. Even if our show is very set, there is a freedom of improvisation.
“It’s a living discipline, when we juggle, we don’t always know where the bowling will go, it allows us to stay in the present moment”
Fred Lebrasseurmusician and co-founder of Machine de Cirque.
Poetic and complicit high aerobatics to be seen at the Maison de la danse in Lyon until March 22 and on tour throughout France.
“Machine de Cirque”, Maison de la danse de Lyon, until March 22.