Video length: 8 min
Legislative elections 2024: the program of the New Popular Front is “credible and achievable”, assures Valérie Rabault, socialist deputy
Valérie Rabault, outgoing socialist MP for Tarn-et-Garonne, was the guest of “4 Vérités” on France 2, Friday June 21.
(France 2)
Valérie Rabault, outgoing socialist MP for Tarn-et-Garonne, was the guest of “4 Vérités” on France 2, Friday June 21.
Friday June 21, the New Popular Front (NFP) will present the costing of its program if it came to power after the legislative elections. “It’s credible and achievable”, assures Valérie Rabault, outgoing socialist MP for Tarn-et-Garonne who put it at 106 billion euros over the period 2024-2027. This program will not solve public deficits. “Politics is about making choices (…) priority number 1 is purchasing power”explains the outgoing MP.
“We must have a labor supply policy, that is to say that work must pay”argues Valérie Rabault, who defends the minimum wage at 1,600 euros net per month. “We are the only political force to have put a figure on the table”, she adds. The second part of the NFP program is to “tax superprofits (…) and the return of the solidarity tax on wealth”she concludes.