(Frome) How a family doctor in Frome, Somerset, weaved a net against loneliness by mobilizing people in her town
Frome (pronounced Froume) seems straight out of an Agatha Christie novel. We can easily imagine Miss Marple disembarking on a foggy morning to investigate the sordid murder of a local notable. With its five churches (the oldest dating from the year 685), its main street that winds through old stone buildings and its quaint shops, it’s the kind of place where people greet each other in the street and meet at the pub to drink a Guinness. Less than two hours from London by train, it is not surprising that this small town on a human scale, nestled in the heart of a constellation of villages and hamlets, attracts Londoners in need of space, greenery and community spirit.
Less famous than its neighbor Glastonbury, which hosts the well-known music festival, Frome made headlines in 2018 not for its tourist attractions, but for the feat of a family doctor who had pulled off a veritable tour de force: reduce emergency room visits by 14%, whereas they had increased by 28.5% in the rest of the region. Everyone wanted to know how she did it.
“My goal has never been to reduce emergency room visits”, immediately launches the DD Helen Kingston, who receives me in her large bright office. The Frome medical clinic, which employs around 100 people, is a 10-minute walk from the main street, in a brand new building, next to the hospital and bordered by a vast field for cricket, the national sport of the English. .
What interests this very empathetic family doctor are not so much the statistics, but the well-being of her patients. And the DD Kingston had the intuition that this well-being passed through an even tighter-knit community.

The DD Helen Kingston
Over the years, I have noticed that people who have the support of those around them are better equipped to overcome the obstacles associated with the disease than those who have no network. When this support disappears following a loss of employment, a move or a divorce, it makes the management of an illness much more complicated.
The DD Helen Kingston
The DD Kingston also noted that the patients who came to see her most often were not necessarily sicker than the others. They felt alone and they needed to talk. “Everyone is so busy and running around,” she observes. Simply stopping to chat with someone is seen as a waste of time in our busy lives. Above all, we don’t want to disturb our daughter, our brother, our friend… Not to mention the automation that reduces the number of human contacts in our days. »
A team that connects
The family doctor therefore tried an experiment. With a modest grant (approximately $140,000), she hired a woman with long service in community health: the dynamic Jenny Hartnoll. The latter made an inventory of all the community organizations in the region to create a computerized database accessible on the computers of all physicians.
“If I have a patient who is suffering from a non-medical problem such as loneliness, recent bereavement, housing problems…I can tell him about this organization that exists and that could perhaps offer him some help. support, explains the DD Kingston. The idea is to consider the person as a whole, not to sum it up solely to their illness. »
But British family physicians are no different from their Quebec counterparts: they too are overwhelmed. The accomplice of the DD Kingston, Jenny Hartnoll, has therefore set up a small group of liaison officers who take care of this follow-up for the clinics in Mendip, a district of Somerset. Those who are called “health connectors” here, but “social prescribers” elsewhere in England, are in a way the missing link between the medical environment and the community environment.
“Our agents work in collaboration with the home care team, with social workers and doctors,” explains Julie Carey-Downs, who leads the small team of “health connectors” at the Frome medical clinic. “Before, I was a psychiatric nurse. In my team, there is a former teacher, a former pediatric nurse, etc. What unites us is this desire to accompany people in their quest for well-being. »
A citizen brigade
Frome’s stroke of genius is to have also mobilized its population of approximately 27,000 inhabitants. “We said to ourselves: why don’t we offer training to ‘ordinary residents’ so that they too can transmit information? explains Jenny Hartnoll, who is also a consultant with the National Academy of Social Prescribing.

Jenny Hartnoll, consultant at the National Academy of Social Prescribing
Check out that barista behind the counter. Let’s say that a client exchanges a few words with him and tells him that she’s recently widowed. The barista can simply say to him: you know this support group exists? You could call such a place…
Jenny Hartnoll, consultant at the National Academy of Social Prescribing
Barbers, police, supermarket employees… Since 2013, Jenny Hartnoll has trained more than 1,900 citizens in the region. “These people feel like they are part of the solution,” adds the dynamic 40-year-old met early in the morning at the café at the Black Swan arts center. The residents of Frome also owe him weekly coffee meetings as well as a chat bench (talking bench) located a few steps from the municipal library. “An idea that I had during the pandemic so that single people could have a meeting place,” she says.
What distinguishes community liaison officers from “health connectors” who work in clinics is that the latter are paid and they even have access to patients’ medical records! They can consult the doctor’s observations and add their own, like: “Madame X feels lonely, I told her about the coffee meetings. Mr. Y’s wife has Alzheimer’s, I suggested she call this support group. “What makes the success of our approach, assures me the DD Kingston is the fact that these agents are integrated into the medical team. No one works in silos. »
Visit to the workshop
Richard Whitehouse can’t remember who he learned about the Men Shed, one of the many community organizations in the area. Perhaps by one of those famous agents trained by Mr.me Hartnoll? Still, a few weeks after settling in Frome, where he moved with his wife to be closer to their family, Richard joined this group of men who meet once a week to do odd jobs, work with wood and … to break the loneliness.
Their premises occupy two floors in a building a little away from the village, which also hosts a women’s group, the Women Shed, which his wife, Rosaline, has joined. “It speaks a lot more to women than to men,” the latter confides to me, laughing. And conversations are more personal. »

Rosaline and Richard Whitehouse at the Men Shed, one of many community organizations in the Frome area
The men, more silent, carry out small jobs for the community such as these birdhouses that the City has ordered from them. “These men have worked all their lives in the factories, they are retired and for some of them, the Shed represents their only exit”, explains Richard, himself not very talkative. As this message scribbled on the slate hung on the wall of the large workshop says so well: “Less expensive than an hour of therapy…”
An approach to imitate

The solutions put forward in Frome to counter loneliness can be exported to a big city, believes the DD Helen Kingston.
And it is thus, by tightening the meshes of the community and by accompanying its patients in a quest for well-being, that the DD Kingston and his team have successfully reduced the number of emergency room visits. Frome’s approach, dubbed ‘compassionate communities’, has been seen around the world. THE New York Timesthe BBC and The Guardianamong others, came here to question the family doctor who also welcomed a delegation from 10 Downing Street (the address of the British Prime Minister).
The DD Kingston also received the Points of Light award – which recognizes people who make a difference in their community – from then Prime Minister Theresa May. Several countries, including Australia, have been inspired by Frome, and Jenny Hartnoll, much in demand to give lectures, tells me that she has been in contact with people from Canada, in British Columbia in particular.
Can we import this approach, developed in a small village, into a big city like London or Montreal? “Absolutely, replies the D.D Kingston with conviction. Each big city is divided into districts which are also like small villages. Anyone can take our template and adapt it to their community. »