And not just a little. Moreover, the large public, which rushes into the spans of Nouste Camp, is a sacred indicator. It is true that this team seduces by its state of mind, by the game it offers and also, because she plays her role of little thumb well. In any case by its budget. For the rest, the Béarnais are not insensitive to this 25-year friendship, which binds Bernard Laporte-Fray and Joël Lopez. The president and his right arm. And everyone is crazy about the outings of an authoritarian coach as well as respectful. In short, this skillfully cultivated family spirit allows Pau FC to advance and grow thanks to the talent of the players led by the baton, by a Didier Tholot, always in search of perfection.
However, nothing is written in stone and the flattering 8th place of the moment must not forget the main objective which remains the maintenance. And if we look at the standings, much closer than last season, we will have to continue to be hungry and put the ball in the back. Because if there is a problem at Pau FC, it is in the finish that you have to look for it. Let’s see the results that we can draw from all this with our consultants Michel Bensoussan and Romain Lacau. What is certain is that only work will pay. Nothing else.
– Credit: Pau FC