the popular Primary “apologizes” to its “supporters”, after its controversial choice to support Jean-Luc Mélenchon

The board of directors of the association 2022 or Never, at the origin of the popular Primary, had chosen at the beginning of March to support the Insoumis candidate after the withdrawal of Christiane Taubira from the race for the Élysée.

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“Today we would like to apologize to you“, writes the team of the popular Primary to its “supporters”, Wednesday March 16 in an email that franceinfo was able to consult. These apologies are related to his “decision to campaign for the Future In Common and its candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon”. This decision was made by the organization’s board of directors alone, without consulting the more than 392,000 voters who took part in the ballot in January.

“A week ago”after the withdrawal of Christiane Taubira, who had won the nomination of the Popular Primary, “we have decided to try everything and support the candidacy that we believe is the most likely to bring justice (ecological, social and democratic) to the Elysée: the ‘Avenir en Commun’ program and its candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon”explains the team of the organization.

“The way in which this decision was taken generated as much enthusiasm as anger, understanding as distrust, thanks as hatred.”

Excerpt from the email of the Popular Primary team

These apologies are therefore addressed “to those who have been disappointed” even “who felt betrayed” by “this decision or by the way it was made”. A paradoxical decision, since Jean-Luc Mélenchon had himself refused to participate in the popular Primary.

Mathilde Imer, former spokesperson for the Popular Primary, left the organization after this decision. “We have given up on a new consultation that is too long and costly to implement one month before the election”justifies the team of the popular Primary. “Therefore, we should have acted [sa] end and speak more visibly in our own name”she admits.

“To those who did not understand why we chose the candidate who came 3rd in the January vote: the rally is no longer possible, the Primary is over. It is now a question of betting on the candidate most likely to even to reach the second round and win social and environmental justice in 2022, with enthusiasm and independence”she also says.

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