the political class divided on the answer to be given


Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

A. Mezmorian, C. Motte, J. Assouly, H. Capelli, S. Guibout, N. Berthier, V. Vermot-Gaud, B. Geron, C. Beauvalet – France 3

France Televisions

Urban violence erupted again on the night of Wednesday June 28 to Thursday June 29, after the death of Nahel on Tuesday, killed by a police officer. The political class is divided on the measures to be taken to respond to this situation.

In Garges-lès-Gonesse (Val-d’Oise), the town hall was set on fire on the night of Wednesday June 28 to Thursday June 29 as part of urban violence following the death of young Nahel. Mayor Benoit Jimenez (UDI) is asking for appeasement and, to do this, is considering an exceptional measure: a curfew. “We, this is what we are going to do precisely in our city from 6:30 p.m.“, he indicated.

A state of emergency was declared in 2005.

A curfew can be established by a single mayor, but the state of emergency, decreed by the government in the Council of Ministers, facilitates the procedure. During the 2005 riots, this exceptional regime lasted several months. Thursday, Éric Ciotti, president of the Les Républicains party, calls for it again. A possibility rejected, for the moment, by Elisabeth Borne, the Prime Minister. For its part, the National Rally refutes the usefulness of such measures, and calls for respect for the police. The left, she says we must rebuild the police, and respond to the anger of the neighborhoods.

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