the police stop a network of TGV robbers



France 2

Article written by

T. Souman, C. La Rocca, N. Thevenot – France 2

France Televisions

A network of train robbers was dismantled on Thursday, September 15, after four months of investigation. The thugs robbed first-class travelers and operated between Nice and Marseille.

The booty, amassed over several years, is considerable. Cash, watches, jewelry, suitcases or even cameras were robbed for a total value of 300,000 euros. The hundreds of luxury items were all stolen from trains. The treasure was found last week by police officers from Bouches-du-Rhône in an apartment in Marseille, located right next to the train station St. Charles.

“The investigators managed to find this apartment, what we call a little Ali Baba, that is to say, with what you have here, it’s quite incredible and it was a surprise because we didn’t think there was so much stock”says David Brugeredivisional commissioner of the Bouches-du-Rhône. The thugs were seasoned and raged in TGVs on lines Paris-Nice and Lyon-Geneva. One of them was disguised as a woman to be more discreet. They boarded the train with valid tickets and squeezed into the first class carriages.

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