The pension reform and controversy over a football match between deputies … The informed of the morning of Wednesday, September 28

Every day, those informed in the morning discuss the news.

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With Marc Fauvelle and Renaud Dély, Marion Mourguesenior reporter for the political department of Le Figaro and Guillaume Daretjournalist in the political service of France Television, discuss the news of Wednesday, September 28.

Pension reform: why so much hesitation?

Emmanuel Macron and Elisabeth Borne bring together this Wednesday evening the leaders of the majority parties and the ministers concerned by the pension reform. The Head of State tried to push through this reform quickly through an amendment to the Social Security Financing Bill (PLFSS). The oppositions and the unions are upwind. And even part of the majority led by the boss of the Modem, François Bayrou. Why such hesitation on the method at the top?

National Assembly: can we play football with the National Rally?

The National Assembly football team will lean to the right this evening during a charity match since the LFI and PS deputies have decided to boycott the meeting on the grounds that RN deputies are members of this team.

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