the partials in distance the dream of many, the reality of some

At the University of Bordeaux, the exams of the different disciplines take place face-to-face, as the Minister of Higher Education, Frédérique Vidal wished, despite the very strong spread of the virus at present. However, some disciplines have imposed distancing on their students. This is particularly the case for the training of educational sciences and the training of the Bordeaux Victoire campus.

This exception is explained very simply by the training director, Marthe-Aline Jutand: _ “_My team and I made this decision at the very beginning of December, well in advance of the Minister’s instructions. At the time we saw the cases of covid increasing very strongly among students and university staff, so we considered it more prudent to take the exams at a distance. “ This modality does not seem to have posed too much of a problem for the students. Informed in advance of the course of the test on the internet, they were able to review the functioning of the examination platform.

This decision of the management committee for education science training is fully understood by the vice-president of the university, responsible for training, Sandrine Rui “The teaching teams are the most able to decide on the test modalities. They made their choice after much thought and judged that for some training the distance was ultimately the wiser or judicious, but this is the case for a very small part of the lessons. “

A very small part that makes many envious on other campuses. In Pessac, Clara, a third year law student, finished her face-to-face exams on Tuesday and she does not have a good memory of it: “Even if we were separated in two very large auditoriums and we were placed every other chair, between the different rows we were still very close. “

This is a feeling shared by Naïma, a master’s student in development, yet in a very small promotion. “We are only 30 in master’s degree but I am not reassured, especially with the vagueness on the substitution tests, many covid students have surely participated in the tests without saying anything.”

Substitute sessions have in fact been planned by the University of Bordeaux for students who are unable to attend the tests due to Covid-19. These sessions will take place within two months of the initial exam date. But be careful before being able to go there, the students will have to register by proving that they have been sick with the Covid. An approach that appears cumbersome for many students, especially since the modalities of these substitute exams are still very unclear.

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