the Orleans CHR only takes care of vital emergencies


France 3

Article written by

S. Broomberg, R. Sabathier, T. Mbaka F. Levasseur, E. Manier – France 3

France Televisions

Thursday, April 7, the staff of the regional hospital center (CHR) of Orleans is on strike. It only treats vital emergencies.

Thursday April 7, in front of the regional hospital center (CHR) of Orleans (Loiret), a man who suffers from renal colic is refused. Since Monday April 4, the hospital has only treated vital emergencies. With 150 beds closed and more than half of caregivers on sick leave, he is no longer coping. “The staff is in a state of suffering”explains Dr. Anne Malet, head of the emergency department.

Patients can go to other establishments in the department. Some private clinics are already full in the face of this new influx of patients. The nursing staff demonstrated on Thursday, April 7. “The system no longer works, people are asked to work overtime, to suppress their rest (…) they are exhausted”, describes Grégory Quinet, SOUTH union representative at the CHR of Orléans. On Friday April 8, the hospital’s emergency doctors will also be on strike.

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