the opposition denounces “punitive measures”

On Twitter, Marine Le Pen notably called on the government to “renounce the health / vaccination pass” which must be implemented in January.

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Several opposition figures, Marine Le Pen in the lead, denounced Monday, December 27 the new restrictions announced by the executive to curb the outbreak of Covid-19 linked to the very contagious variant Omicron. The RN presidential candidate quickly lambasted “punitive measures that make no sense”, calling on Twitter to “renounce the health / vaccination pass” and to “reopen closed beds in the midst of the crisis”.

On the left, LFI deputy Eric Coquerel joked about the fact “that the executive is reduced to commenting on the viral wave without coherence and as a bonus weakening the rule of law”, “for lack of anticipation” according to him this new wave of Covid. Aurélien Taché, ex-LREM deputy for Val-d’Oise, denounced him “the choice of coercion” made by the executive “with his vaccine pass”, “rather than strengthening access and education for vaccination”, according to him.

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Support of President Emmanuel Macron, Mayor Horizons of Nice Christian Estrosi for his part welcomed the “strengthening of sanctions” provided for in the bill “for use of false health passes”, a “scandalous behavior” to his eyes. In front of the journalists, Jean Castex had also said a little earlier “scandalized” by these “deliberate acts of endangering others (…) that no personal conviction can justify”.

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