the Nupes obtains 133 seats and becomes the first opposition force

The Nupes became the first political opposition force in the National Assembly, on the evening of the second round of the legislative elections, Sunday June 19. The different parties of the left-wing coalition obtained 133 MP seats for the next term, according to the final results of the Ministry of the Interior and France Télévisions*. Insubordinate France and its allies had qualified 388 candidates for the second round, with 25.78% of the vote on June 12.

In detail, La France insoumise obtained 72 seats, Europe Ecologie-Les Verts 23 seats, the Socialist Party 26 seats and finally the Communist Party, 12 seats. Ecologists therefore find a parliamentary group five years after having lost it.

In 2017, La France insoumise, Europe Ecologie-Les Verts, the Socialist Party and the French Communist Party had left in dispersed order in the legislative elections, which had seen the Macronist wave sweep over the National Assembly. LFI had obtained 17 seats at the Palais-Bourbon, against 28 for the PS, 15 for the PCF and none for EELV.

After having campaigned in a united manner, the different parties of this alliance will now sit independently in the National Assembly. The Nupes is a “electoral agreement” destined to last, but each political formation will have “his group”assured Jean-Luc Mélenchon in early May, “otherwise it can’t work”.

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Each of the parties will therefore have a parliamentary group, except the Communists, who had about fifty candidates within the framework of this coalition built after the presidential election. All the deputies will be in opposition to the government of Elisabeth Borne, which failed to obtain an absolute majority in the National Assembly. The executive could therefore be forced to rely on the votes of the Republican deputies to pass its laws.

* Franceinfo carried out various checks and decided to integrate into the ranks of Nupes two candidates labeled Divers gauche by the Ministry of the Interior. Contrary to the figures of the ministry, the projections in seats of the Nupes therefore count, in this hemicycle, the deputies Joël Aviragnet and Hervé Saulignac. All our explanations can be found in this article.

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