“The nuclear issue will not be in the legislative contract”, announces Fabien Roussel (PCF)

The nuclear issue “will not be in the legislature contract”announced Monday, May 2 on franceinfo the national secretary of the French Communist Party, Fabien Roussel, very confident in the signing of an agreement with La France insoumise during the day. “I am ready to put aside the annoyances”he adds in reference to the subjects on which Communists and Insoumis are not on the same line, in particular the amount of Smic and pensions.

To achieve the union of the left, the communist leader in favor of the energy mix no longer calls for a referendum on nuclear power or an increase in the minimum wage to 1,500 euros net per month. “We sign at 1,400 euros”he assures. “If tomorrow we agree, it’s 100 euros more immediately and every month for those who are on minimum wage.“Fabien Roussel, on the other hand, hopes to be able to include in the agreement the creation of a “public financial center”, “with the nationalization of banks”, to “find revenue” and “funding our progressive reforms”.

Fabien Roussel explains that these differences between rebels, communists and socialists “may be debated within the framework of Parliament, by a majority” and in government. “I ask precisely that there is a communist group in the National Assembly capable of pushing a little more and fighting on this”. “This is the issue of the discussion this afternoon”reveals Fabien Roussel.

Today represented by 11 deputies, the PCF hopes to send at least 15 this time to form a group. “The Insoumis agree to accept this difference”according to Fabien Roussel. “If the objective is to have at least 289 deputies, communists, rebellious, socialists, environmentalists, we will all conquer them. We will respect the balance of power resulting from the presidential election, each with a strong group of our differences which are a wealth. I read that Jean-Luc Mélenchon was committed to this. I am also happy for the ecologists who will finally have a group.

“We are discussing with the leaders of La France insoumise to show that, in several constituencies, the only people capable of beating the National Front (sic.) or the outgoing deputies of the majority are communists established locally like Jean-Marc Tellier in Pas-de-Calais, Nicolas Sansu in Cher or Yasmine Boudjenah in Hauts-de-Seine.

Regarding the New Popular Ecological and Social Union, the new name of this union, Fabien Roussel says “Super happy”. “It’s a label in which everyone feels good and respected. The word social is the one that brings us together. We ourselves carried that.” The communist leader is “satisfied that the Insoumis have moved on this point”. “It’s proof that they make concessions.”

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