The misfortune of some is the happiness of Noz, the first French clearance chain, which will put thousands of Minelli items on sale at reduced prices.
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From May 21, it will be possible to find thousands of Minelli shoes and accessories in Noz stores, sold 60% cheaper than their original prices. Noz purchased these 200,000 pairs of shoes from the 2023/2024 collection at a lower cost from Minelli, which was placed in recovery.
To save Minelli, the legal representative has, in fact, put part of his stocks up for sale and Noz’s principle is to buy back lots at auction, unsold items, to then resell them. The model works perfectly, especially in recent months, as the brand takes advantage of the difficulties in the clothing sector.
Some see these as vulture operations, as Noz thrives on the setbacks of the clothing and decoration sector. In November 2022, Noz purchased, for example, four million Camaïeu products, which closed its doors. It is then the turn of San Marina shoes or the Habitat furniture brand.
The signs fall one after the other and, each time, Noz positions himself and wins. The brand has the financial and logistical capabilities to purchase large volumes, since it has storage warehouses, but also stores to ensure marketing.
It was in 1976 that Rémi Adrion, the son of workers who dreamed of being a boss, set up his business in Laval, in Mayenne, where the company has retained its headquarters. At the beginning, he called it “The Salesman” and since then, he has opened many stores, often franchises. At 74 years old, Rémi Adrion is today at the head of a family group, more than 6,000 people, 300 stores, often on the outskirts of towns and in shopping centers.
The brand has a bright future, because helped by inflation and the increasingly strong budgetary constraints weighing on households, Noz has found its audience. In 2023, the brand recorded a 40% increase in its turnover, which today exceeds 600 million euros.