The new uniforms praised | The Journal of Montreal

In a Toronto hotel on Tuesday noon, the Canadian Olympic and Paralympic Committees (COC and CPC) unveiled with great fanfare the uniforms that athletes will wear at the Beijing Games in February 2022, less than 100 days before the start of the planetary event.

With a new partnership with Lululemon, which begins in Beijing and will extend to the Los Angeles Games in 2028, after a long-term association with the Hudson’s Bay Company, the COC was very proud of the final product just like the athletes interviewed.

“It’s taken to another level,” said COC chief athletic officer Eric Myles. This new line of younger, more technical and athletic-oriented clothing will change things for athletes. We experience emotions and I have seen athletes cry so proud and happy. We feel a beautiful energy. “

Justine Dufour-Lapointe was also very excited.

“I’m really proud and there is a consensus among athletes who love the new uniforms,” said the mogul specialist. I’m really excited that Lululemon is the dresser for the Canadian team. Athletes already wore their clothes to train on a daily basis. In the innovations, they thought of the athletes. “

Canada's new uniforms for the next Olympic Winter Games were presented at noon in Toronto on Tuesday.

Photo courtesy, COC

Canada’s new uniforms for the next Olympic Winter Games were presented at noon in Toronto on Tuesday.

“It is more than true that you perform well when you are feeling well, to pursue the gold medal in the Sochi Games in 2014 and silver in Pyeongchang in 2018. When I go to an important supper, I am buy a new dress to feel beautiful and strong. The same goes for athletes. Clothing is your armor and you feel strong and confident when you are well. “

His sister Chloe also agreed.

“The collection is amazing and I love everything,” she summarized. It’s more modern and simpler. We see the work that has been put into research to offer a product to the tastes of athletes. I really like the design and their collection touches me. “

“The coats are versatile and can adapt to the personality of each athlete,” adds the silver medalist in Sochi, who is aiming for a fourth appearance at the Games. With modular coats, we can remove the sleeves according to our tastes. They thought of the details with the pockets to put our lipstick and the Canadian flag on our collar. “

Canadian athletes will be dressed in red at the opening ceremony of the Olympics.  In this photo, Paul Poirier and Piper Gilles (figure skating) are highlighted.

Photo courtesy, COC

Canadian athletes will be dressed in red at the opening ceremony of the Olympics. In this photo, Paul Poirier and Piper Gilles (figure skating) are highlighted.

Lululemon listening

Like the other two, the paraplanchist Sandrine Hamel was very excited.

“I am really lucky to be in the first group of athletes to wear our new colors. The athletes are going to be excited when they receive their uniforms. It makes a difference that Lululemon is a sports company. The quality of the material stands out. We met some design folks and they were excited. You could see the stars in their eyes. For wheelchair athletes, the coat can be made shorter or longer and athletes will be more comfortable. We are all happy with the collection. “

Lululemon says he took the athletes’ suggestions into consideration.

“We engaged the athletes,” said Vancouver-based vice president of marketing and partnerships, Michelle Davies. Each athlete can transform their uniform during the opening ceremonies as they wish. They will be able to celebrate the Canadian team in many ways. I am really proud of the innovations. After 18 months of work, it’s Christmas today with the launch of the collection. “

Red will be in the spotlight for the opening ceremony and beige will be popular for the closing evening. Another outfit is planned for the presentation of medals and meetings with the media.

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