The new Laughing Scene

Of Monday to Friday at 8:30 p.m. on France Bleu, you can discover the new talents of the humor scene. Coming from the 4 corners of France, recommended or not by established artists, these emerging talents present themselves to you in a mad hope … that of power present their show in a mythical Parisian room during a great evening dedicated to new talents discovered by France Bleu!

Influence our jury

Composed of humor professionals and representatives of France Bleu, our jury has one goal: to find and highlight the next big name in humor, influenced by your reactions. For that, each week, we offer you a summary of the talents presented during our daily life:

Anthony is 31 years old. A nurse in Nîmes in intensive care, resuscitation and emergencies since July 2020, he has been passionate about the media from an early age! Apprentice actor, he has been taking café-theater classes since November 2019 at the Comédie de Nîmes. In the summer of 2021, he took part in the “Chance for humor” competition in Alès, where he finished in second place after the deliberations of a professional jury.

In the dictionary, “Nénette” defines a woman or “a rag mounted on a handle used to remove dust and polish the body of a car.” In Marina’s new show, “Nénette” will define women of character, authentic and touching that Marina will show before your eyes. You will find on stage all the “Nénettes” that you have been able to appreciate in Marina’s videos, including the famous “Mélanie & Jenyfer”.

Judith Margolin has been a successful actress, writer and screenwriter since 2004. She is the author of several short films including Do not move !, a film engaged on the passivity in front of the ordinary violence of a young girl who is assaulted in the metro or even Pig Cabaret, inspired by the #metoo movement. She has been on the boards of La Nouvelle Seine in Paris for four years and on tour with MUDITH MONROEVITZ, the Ashkenazi reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe, his only on-stage, success with the public, crush at Le Masque et la Plume on France Inter and winner of the SACD Humor Fund.

Passionate about literature, Félix enjoys juggling words and shares his world on stage, on TV, or on the radio. Through the influences of Raymond Devos, Bruno Coppens, Boby Lapointe and Stéphane De Groodt, he has fun with the French language to offer surprising puns and with his white cards, taken up on social networks, he became the torchbearer of a generation.

Hopla, come and discover Catoch ‘, Alsatian AOC version 2.0, who has lived in Paris for 30 years but continues to talk like the beak has grown. Without filter! Enter its picturesque and intercultural universe. Follow his (almost) fabulous destiny, from his small Alsatian village to Paris via Kosovo. Because everyone has the right to put pretzel in their life and to know the truth about the incompetence of storks, Made in Turkey, schneck, menopause and Matt Pokora.

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