the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office has opened an investigation for “aggravated laundering of tax evasion”

The survey, which targets the American firm McKinsey “on the question of his tax status in France”, was entrusted to the Service d’Enquêtes Judiciaux des Finances.

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The National Financial Prosecutor’s Office (PNF) announced on Wednesday April 6 that it had opened a preliminary investigation into the head of “aggravated laundering of tax evasion”, after a Senate report on the growing influence of private consulting firms on public policies during the mandate of Emmanuel Macron. The investigation, opened on March 31, targets the American firm McKinsey “on the question of his tax status in France”, learned France Télévisions from a judicial source. It was entrusted to the Service of judicial investigations of finances (SEJF).

The Senate inquiry committee pointed out in March a “exponential (…) intervention” of these cabinets in “all state policies.the expenditure of the ministries in this area amounting to 894 million euros in 2021. If we take into account “state consultancy expenditure in the broad sense” (including operators such as Pôle emploi, the Caisse des dépôts et consignations, etc.), this amount has “exceeded one billion euros in 2021″.

The McKinsey firm, which advises the government on the vaccine strategy, is particularly singled out. He is accused by the commission of inquiry of not having paid taxes in France for ten years.

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