A lyrical odyssey began, towards transcendence and the beyond. From questions arose electronic textures, convoluted thoughts of acoustic sounds, their astral pop rhythm intensely the immensity… Yet the journey has only just begun.
At the beginning, Thibaud (pianist), Alex (bassist), Victor (drummer) played together in another project. Enchanted by a sound aesthetic inspired by space… contemplative, atmospheric and epic, they compose together.
During a residency they “musically” meet Louise, and offer her to take part in the adventure. Odyssey I (1st EP) takes root in this spatial music, with electronic and acoustic colors, pop and jazz tones, to which Louise’s texts will be added.
– (c) Vincent Muller Photographs
His words question our human condition and our way of transcending it. They deal with spirituality and beliefs, with scientific research to place man in the universe, with everyone’s emotional world. The group then becomes a crew: seekers of meaning, travelers of life. Nature has an essential part in their construction (the flower is their emblem) because it brings the feet back to earth.
It is a fundamental anchor, so as not to go into the clouds, to understand what is there. The plant is seen as the primitive and essential matter, life, the sustaining.
This EP is an initiatory journey, to the ends of the world according to Zimmia. The first piece to have seen the light of day is called “Behind”, and speaks of the importance of love in humans, of this vibration inherent in all, which carries and upsets.