the mysterious star fully unveiled, Stéphane unable to recognize a famous French actress!

This Monday, December 12, at “12 noon shots” on TF1, Stéphane had a great opportunity to win a new mysterious star. Thanks to another victory in the killing blow, the champion was able to reveal the last remaining boxes. The Northerner was thus able to discover the face of a French actress Caesarized in 2021. But obviously, the founder does not know Laure Calamy. It is indeed this actress revealed to the general public in the series “Ten percent” who has been hiding behind the star for a few weeks.

To console him, Stéphane can tell himself that he is not the only one to have dried up in front of the face of the one who won the César for best actress in 2021 for her role in Antoinette in the Cévennes. Many viewers also did not know who Laure Calamy was. “So on this one, well done #Les12CoupsDeMidi I don’t know how he’s going to find it, but I don’t know this person at all.”, “Who’s in the star?”, “You have to know his name… As I think 99% of French people who know the name and first name of… Laure Calamy??”, “This actress, you know where she played and her game by heart. But his name?? You never remember him!”, “Personally I know her but not her name“, can we read on Twitter.

The production of “12 noon shots” accused of favoring Stéphane

Failed this Monday, December 12, Stéphane will of course be able to try his luck again tomorrow. The midday master is now one of the show’s greatest champions. To the displeasure of some faithful of the game who claim that the latter would be favored by the production. “The level has clearly dropped. Even for us it is not interesting. No reflection, we learn nothing. What a pity”. “When it was necessary to ‘erase’ Quesada (by far the best with Xavier), they made fake junk MDMs and even failed with Paul… I think this one will go so far as to eliminate Christian du podium”, “As far as I’m concerned, it’s the difference in the level of questions between the candidates that bothers me. And then, last year, we had Laurent, it was another level anyway“, they lament on the Web.


To see also: Coup de theater at the “12 noon shots”!

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