the music festival, what horror!

We often spit on record companies, but the music festival is the moment when we understand that the big labels do a real job of purification. We must tell them, young people: “Play sports, pottery, rotating, but no music!” I’ve been through hell, I’ve wandered the streets of the capital and seen things a man shouldn’t see. At Notre-Dame there was a choir of scouts in underpants who took over a capella from Christophe Maé in Latin. A vision of horror, believe me. After that, we are no longer the same man.

In Hello Mailhot?Régis Mailhot has set himself a goal: to answer your questions wherever they come from!

With his sharp pen and his view of the news, the comedian Régis Mailhot gives you an appointment every day at 1:55 p.m. in My France next to Wendy Bouchard.

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